I sometimes wonder about how a few economists, exposed to neo-classical in grad school, are able to break free.

Is it a political preparation of some sort, before grad school?  Something learned at a mother's knee?  A disinterest in a career?

One conclusion:  People interested in the economy, as opposed to economics, have a chance.  But I think the bulk of them quit econ and do something else with their lives.

I am still shocked when encountering econ dissertation writers who cannot hear a critique.  Unable to.

Gene Coyle

Eubulides wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No. No. No.  Ask any grad student in economics.  The death of a
cuts occurs in grad school.  Once you return to life, you are a hardened
economist who has invested years in learing that stuff.  Throwing it
is a painful confession.



Well how many economists on this list survived? Clearly it can be done,
no? Turn Samuelson's appropriation of Mach against the mainstream.......



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