Thanks to Michael, Juriaan and Ahmet for the reference
to Shaikh's work. I should have warned you that I knew
this paper, and that the very few critiques of
productions functions I have found led to this paper.
As I mentioned in my first mail, I am now not looking
for immanent critiques of neoclassical production
function (like the Shaikh paper), but trying to find
out if some (let us put it plain) Marxist author
confront the concept of production function with
Marxian theory, in particular Marx's definition of
"productive power of labor" (Produktivkraft der
Arbeit) -commonly confused by "historical
materialists" as just "productive powers" or
"productive forces", or, worst, "forces of
production"- and how capital appears to have such
productive powers in the production process (see
chapter on cooperation, Capital Volume I).

Thanks again for your help,


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