----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not at all boring.  The articles recently posted on China are fascinating.
Yesterday, the New York Times went back to the theme about how Wal-Mart is
a major
force in China and is also pushing wages down there as well as with the
workers in California.  All sorts of very ominous things are happening.
Maybe we
don't want to think about them, but they are important nonetheless.


An expose on how Wal-Mart's attorneys navigate the thicket of
international contracts to create their planet wide commodity chain and
the ensuing misery for over a million workers would be a real world
mockery of what is left of neoclassical theories of the firm. I know Liza
Featherstone is working on a story of the corp. Is any one else looking at
that issue?


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