Has the US economy entered a new era?

It seems to me that the US Department of Justice, along with other
relevant agencies, has lost interest in enforcing antitrust laws.

I think we are back to the 1880s and 1890s, where "Trusts" and "pools"
will rationalize capacity for the good of all?

Banks and insurance companies agglomerate.  Electric power generation is
falling into fewer and fewer hands, and those hands are more and more
financial institutions.  Big oil gets bigger.  Big steel consolidates
while the steel market sags.  ADM and Cargill thrive while the number of
farmers shrinks.

Am I generalizing from the worst possible input, anecdotal evidence?

I've always loved anecdotal evidence -- I continue to believe what is
before my eyes.  I believed that smoking cigarettes caused lung cancer.
I still do, actually.

But clue me in: Are we moving to tight oligopoly everywhere in our economy?

PEN-l doesn't much discuss economics, as Michael complains.  But when it
does, it discusses macro.  Anybody looking at market structure?

Gene Coyle

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