>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/15/04 3:34 PM >>>
Michael Hoover wrote:
quoting myself:
In Chapter six, an NKVD document reports on communications between Earl
Browder, the head of the CPUSA, and Franklin Roosevelt. FDR
congratulates Browder and the CPUSA for conducting its political line
skillfully and helping US military efforts. Roosevelt is "particularly
pleased" with the battle of New Jersey Communists against a left-wing
Labor Party formation there. He was happy that the CPUSA had been able
to unite various factions of the Democratic Party against the left-wing
electoral opposition and render it ineffectual.

How might Lenin's writings contribute to revolutionary socialism today?
Basically I believe that a large part of the left, for understandable
reasons, is disenchanted with the state. It identifies state power with
class oppression. This is a mistake in my opinion. Reading "State and
Revolution" and lots of other things written later on would be of big
help in understanding the issues.
number of questions/suspicions about accuracy of nkvd documents, made up
stuff and the like...

re. fdr and browder, assuming there was source (and can't be sure
nkvd materials, browder himself would have been extremely unreliable
delusional disorder following early release from federal prison in 42
(yes, with fdr's approval, fdr did not, however, pardon eb as some
accounts have claimed) ...

re. political state, folks should never have "let it go out" so there'd
be no need to
"bring it back in", however, state is not monolith and shouldn't be
reified as such...
michael hoover

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