Doug writes: >The idea of revolution in the U.S. or any of its imperial peers seems 
like the
stuff of a drug-induced reverie right now.<

The idea of a revolution _right now_ does seem to be merely a drug-induced reverie at 
this point in history (as most advocates of RS, including all of those on pen-l, would 
admit). The question is whether it's possible _in the future_ (perhaps after we all 
die). I don't think we can rule out the possibility -- and I think it's worth keeping 
in mind, even if it turns out to be an impossible utopia. 

To my mind, having some notion that capitalism has internal contradictions (i.e., 
holds the possibility of radical/revolutionary change) and that we can have some 
impact on how the contradictions work out in practice is at the essence of RS. As I've 
said (but somehow was largely ignored[*]), RS ideals and ideas should be used to 
decide which tactics and strategies to engage in (when combined with concrete 
analysis). (BTW, what JKS says he's doing politically seems like the right thing to 
do, given the situation.) 

In this view, I think that RS ideas -- socialism from below -- is more likely to win 
reforms (in our lifetimes even) than is simply trying to win reforms _per se_. I think 
that some notion of where we want to go helps us get there. A mass movement from below 
is necessary not only to win the seemingly imaginary revolution but to win serious 
reforms or even to defend what we have, so that revolution and reform work in tandem. 
(Given the current situation, the question is not "reform vs. revolution" but what 
kinds of reforms and how to win them.) 

In any event, it's wrong to dwell simply on _what is_ (or, rather, what seems to be 
true) to avoid discussions of what _may be_. The latter helps us understand the 
former. (It's also wrong to focus on the world of theory alone. Empirics and theory 
are complements, not substitutes.) 

Just because some of the people who claim to advocate RS are jerks or sparts or 
whatever doesn't mean that we should simply lay back and enjoy the world being raped 
by capitalism. 

BTW, I agree that it doesn't do any good to advertise one's adherence to RS. But if 
someone accused me of it, I'm the first one to admit it. 

[*] maybe if I'd insulted someone, my missive on RS wouldn't have been so ignored. 

Jim D.

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