Louis Proyect wrote: "I have a feeling that the same people who are urging a
vote for Kerry today will be urging the same policies in the future when
workers are occupying factories and calling for a general strike. You don't
switch brands from Menshevism to Bolshevism when the "time is ripe".
Menshevism is a chronic condition like eczema."
The "eczema" remark is unnecessary. It's also wrong. The Bolsheviks wouldn't
have acquired their majority in the Soviets and seized state power without
the wholesale defection to their side of the mass of Menshevik workers and
some important intellectuals. This wasn't unique to Russia; it is
characteristic of every revolutionary process, and if the revolutionary
party you are contemplating should ever come to pass in the US in our
lifetime, it would almost certainly be composed in the main of those trade
union and social movement activists whose current allegiance is to the
Democratic party and who are "urging a vote for Kerry". It would also likely
include many of their secondary and perhaps even some of their
nationally-known leaders. This isn't to suggest such a party wouldn't also
incorporate many of the people who now support the Greens and the various
Marxist groups, but given the present political landscape, this is not where
most would come from.

None of us, incidentally, can possibly know in advance how individuals will
react to a social crisis. Historically, we know there have been many honest
liberals and social democratic activists who have moved left, and Marxist
intellectuals who despite their professed commitment to revolutionary
politics have turned tail, under the pressure of events.

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