From: Michael Hoover

people you've identified (academics, professionals, and such -

affluent, but not rich) who call themselves 'liberal' favor market and

private property but they're uncomfortable with with inequalities and

inequities such institutions/practices require...

thus, government is obliged to intervene - to varying degrees and in

various ways - to soften blow of and care for capitalism's wreckage...

unable/unwilling to attack/challenge principal reason for inequality

leaves heart pulling toward equality, capitalism furthering


conservative are right (wing and correct), liberals are bleeding

hearts... michael hoover


CB: Agreeing with Michael, "The" Mid-20th Century, U.S. liberal ( not
oldtyme-laissez-faire liberals or neo-liberals) is characterized by
two-facedness, a bleeding heart, who ends up being forced to stab in the
back because of their other side with its allegiance to captalism and
bourgeoisdom. From a radical standpoint, Liberals are often betrayers , who
when they win the trust of the oppressed , then turnaround and do them in.

The "bleeding heart" face is thereby paternalistic. The benign face of
Liberals views the working class and masses as only oppressed and
downtrodden, needing the Liberals to help them up and out of wretchedness.
Whereas radicals view working masses as both oppressed AND the only social
force that can radically change society and liberate itself (i.e. as
powerful or with potential).

Historically, for the U.S.,   "liberalism" itself has twisted and turned
from laissez-faire ( original bourgeoisie) to New Deal (U.S.) to Neo- .

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