"They," "socialists," are not at all doing their duty when they
uncritically reproduce statements directly Malthusian claiming that the
"natural" carrying capacity  of the earth is 2 billion people.

Such an assertion is more than nonsense, it is reactionary, antithetical
to every single actual fact of social development. Some of us
uncharitable sorts, not blessed with the forgiving, accommodating
personality of others, might also point out that such a statement is

No species increases beyond "natural limits" by a factor of 3, without
experiencing catastrophic population crashes.  Now unless someone wants
to take that next Maltushian step, an anti-baby step, and claim that
wars are a function of overpopulation and for population control, there
is no sense to discussing natural limits of populations.

The notion of overpopulation is not scientifically based, it is, as
Chase showed more than 30 years ago in his great The Legacy of Malthus,
pseudo-scientifically based, and designed specifically to preserve the
power of those already in power.

Certainly population growth rates tend to decline as/when Louis Proyect
describes it.  But all those elements of the description, literacy,
health care, etc. are functions of one single thing: economic
development.  Economic development means agricultural productivity
leading to an urban expansion.  And that takes energy.   Big energy.

 (Aside:  Kerala is very very interesting, having been more or less a
matriarchy for years-- but currently, things are not quite so rosy there
as we would like to believe.  Kerala's "development" is not without
contradiction, pollution, and social exploitation.  It is no more the
way forward than Cuba's experiments, remarkable as they may be, with
bio-farming will lead to self-sufficiency in food production).

I think Louis Proyect's statement re population and limits and global
warming says all that is wrong in the "naturalist" analysis : "However,
we do know that there are *natural barriers* to unlimited population
growth. The most dramatic of these is global warming which is a
byproduct of energy consumption..."

Global warming is not a product of 6 billion people on a planet built
for 2.  Global warming is the product of the private property system of
capital's need to garner profit no matter what the SOCIAL cost.

If that isn't the case, then indeed, the more than 2 billion people
living on a dollar a day, the 4 billion living in poverty, the 5.2
billion living on the rations determined by a ruling class, have no way
out, as the energy requirements for their emancipation from privation,
that is to say the emancipation of us all, cannot be fulfilled.


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