Julio Huato:
(1) you will choose not to live in NJ and live that lifestyle?

This is not a matter of personal choice. We are discussing how resources are used.

(2) you will liquidate NJ suburbia, destroy SUVs, AC equipment, TV sets,
computers, devolve the cows to their "natural habitat" (?), etc.?

I advocate the abolition of the distinction between town and country as outlined in the Communist Manifesto. As far as cattle are concerned, they are literally destroying the planet.

whole legal and political superstructure.  So political activists inspired
in the Marxist tradition would not spend much time preaching about
lifestyles, vegetarianism, and greener technologies in the abstract.

This is not about lifestyle. Cattle ranching, sugar plantations and all the rest reflect class relations. The 3rd world goes hungry in order to keep McDonalds profitable (and the people who eat them obese and susceptible to cancer.)

If somebody needs to
adjust production and consumption pronto to reduce ecological threats,
that's the rich countries.

Of course.

Louis Proyect
Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

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