Excuse me, knowing I will unsubbed by the moderator, still -- this is a bad joke.  An academic is telling Brother Melvin, one of the core members of the most important working class organization in the US since the CIO, the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, that it's ideas like Melvin's that explains why the left has never made much headway in North America?  Without apologies the statement of Mr. Philips shows only the ignorance of its author.
Excuse me again, but it's ideas like there is a silver lining to the cloud of manipulated energy scarcity; that eating bison is a progressive action; that Japanes rock gardens count for squat, that there are too many people and we can't support them in the style to which I've become accustomed, that explains why the "left" really isn't a left at all, but a circle of the privileged with more arrogance than brains.
Yeah, yeah, I know all about my tone.....Just before I go, I thought Pen stood for Progressive Economists Network.  Can anybody show me the progressive part?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Mark Jones Was Right

There are not too many people on earth and one has to examine the source of their thinking.  When challenged to define the carrying capacity of the earth, what we end up talking about is economics and not the physical mass of the earth and its metabolic processes. How many people can the earth carry - what ever that means?
Since I disagree totally with this, there is not much point in carrying on the debate.  But as Max has said, it is ideas like this that  explains why the left  has never made much headway in North America.

Paul Phillips

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