This evening BBC tv carried reports of two British civilians killed by
an rpg in a car just as it was about to enter the "Green Zone" in
Baghdad which is the centre of coalition forces.

One of the reports said it was partially armoured. But the individuals
were civilians. No other explanation was given of their identity. It
was described as audacious. The use of a single rpg in the centre of
Baghdad just a short distance away from US troops.
A US soldier suggested it looked a targeted job.

And there are not many British deaths in Iraq, and still less in

To my mind this suggests that the targets could well have been key
figures in British security.

I suspect we will hear little more of the identity of the victims, but
I could be wrong. Besides if the attack was that audacious, why waste
it on a couple of clergymen from the Church of England?

Tonight the BBC website says
"The Foreign Office later confirmed that one of the Britons who died
was working for international business risk consultancy Control Risks
It notes
"Since July 2003 12 [only!]British civilians have been killed in Iraq,
the Foreign Office said. On Tuesday security worker Andrew Harries,
33, from south Wales, was shot when a gunman ambushed his car. "

We know that the resistance is well planned. The key document on the
strategy for the resistance dated January 2003 was attributed to Iraqi
security sources. There may be many thousands of them still in the
country, highly motivated to bring down the present regime. They will
know how to mingle with the crowd, and to take advantage of
relationships among Iraqis. They have learned how the coalition allies

In the coming months their intelligence is likely to get better. That
of the hegemonic power, worse.

Another factor in the shifting balance of forces.

Chris Burford

PS the website of Control Risks Group I see from Google claims about

"We are currently providing project security management services in
Iraq for a number of government departments, companies and NGOs, and
have security managers permanently deployed in Iraq for these clients.
Our office has been set up to co-ordinate these activities and provide
on-the-ground advice."

"Control Risks Group has established a project office in Iraq to
assist organisations operating or planning to operate in the country.
Its presence means that we are well placed to provide accurate,
up-to-date information on the situation in-country and are available
to help clients to understand the uncertainties and volatility that
affect activities in the region, to mitigate the risks involved and to
successfully manage the security of their assets and staff."

BBC website again "Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the deaths were
shocking and showed the risks civilians had to take in Iraq. " - and
the British government it would appear.

This may be just a taster for what will intensify after June 30.

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