----- Original Message -----
From: "David B. Shemano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: Enron

> In defense of David Shemano, Michael Perelman writes:
> >> David is a conservative.  He speaks English with a right wing dialect,
but he does so
> >> with humor (not snottiness).  We can disagree with him.  I usually do,
but we can
> >> still be polite.
> >>
> >> I don't see him as a red meat class warrior, but as a sincere [albeit
> >> conservative].
> As a I said when I first participated on this list so many years ago, I am
here to learn, and believe learning results from dialectic argument.  The
argument that capitalism is legalized fraud and theft is a very interesting
thesis which I would love to explore.  (For instance, doesn't that
statement, as a normative statement, assume the justness of private
property, because if not, what is wrong with theft?).  However, as Prof.
Craven does not appear to suffer from any doubt, I doubt he would enjoy such
an exchange with me.  You can't please everybody.
> David Shemano

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