Michael Perelman wrote:
He was running around with Dar Jamil, who has been regularly reporting for KPFA.  Dar
was in the middle of everything, so I assume that Christian was also.

I still urge you or anybody else to track down last month's Harpers. The picture drawn of Falluja has nothing in common with the lurid portrait painted by Parenti and his alter ego "Tariq". I don't know how to put this, but the notion of somebody having "every bone in his body" broken and then--to follow up--having his back carved into a checkerboard sounds like the sort of thing that his old man found objectionable when it came to Yugoslavia reporting.

Again, the personal stuff adds nothing here.  I don't agree with some of what
Christian says, but you can just point out the disagreements without attacking the

I was under the impression that Henwood had me killfilled. For his blood pressure or something. I know that some other people enjoy my scurrilous assaults on the soft left, but I would never attack anybody on pen-l in that fashion. Just to make things crystal-clear, why don't you and Doug consult over who which public figures it is permissible to ridicule. I imagine that the list might prove encyclopedaiac--ranging from Zizek to Kerry, from Michael Hardt to George Soros. What is a disrespectful bounder like myself supposed to do under such stringent conditions?

Successful politics rises above the personal.

I don't know. I prefer people like Lillian Hellman and even Camille Paglia to Bill Moyers and Katrina vanden Heuvel. But that's just me.


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