Louis wrote...

 Maybe he should have proposed John McCain as his
running-mate instead of Peter Camejo. I'm sure that would have gotten
him a clean bill of health from the Nation Magazine, Salon.com,
commondreams.org and alternet.org just as it got John Kerry.

Nader has not sought the endorsement of any media that I know of. He wrote a scathing attack on The Nation a while back recalling for it its long history of fairness toward progressive causes and accusing it of abandoning that history. That's no way to get a "clean bill of health". A few weeks back he openly chastised Michael Moore not for the content of his movie but for Moore's catering to Democrat big-wigs instead of progressives when he premiered it. I suspect Nader chose Camejo because he's true and such a clear expositor of a long view that is congruent with his own. And because the choice honors the many Latinos who live in and help keep this country running. Not unlike his choice of Winona LaDuke four years ago.

When the bruhaha over Moore's movie has come and gone, I reckon Nader
still will be plugging along pestering the Democrats to
decorporatize, willing to once again take the blame for causing the
corporate bench team (the Democrats) to lose their part of the game
to the first stringers (the Republicans).

Bush will lose the election because he's done his job. Now it takes a
Democrat to clean up and implement. Kerry will be to W. as Clinton
was the H.W. I don't think Nader's insight will be fully appreciated
until after a few more cycles of this crap, if we survive that long.


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