On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, William Yardley wrote:

WY>Yes... I've definitely experienced that, and I definitely hope that
WY>someone comes up with a GOOD bi-directional forum / email list type
WY>thing. I think google groups has done a good job of doing this with
WY>USENET and with their mailing list system... I don't think too many
WY>other attempts have had as much success (that's perhaps because Google
WY>Groups is more like a webmail client than like a web forum).

Yeah, and it doesn't seem to appeal to a lot of web forum users. It's a 
dilemma: do you emulate the brokenness of web forums, just so people 
who've gotten trained to that brokenness feel at home?

I'm hoping to somewhat mitigate that by making the server side a REST API. 
If the default behavior isn't broken enough for you, you can write your 
own client to emulate whatever brokenness you prefer. (Well, presumably 
anybody who likes webforums as they are isn't programmatically inclined, 
but you get the idea.)

WY>It seems to me that the gap here is cultural more than technical; the
WY>conventions and norms (as well as posting format) are one thing on
WY>mailing lists and newsgroups, and totally different on forums. And also
WY>there's the push vs. pull thing. I would love to see some software that
WY>does a good job of bridging the gap, though, because I have seen the
WY>split in community you describe.

Yeah, we've discussed the potential culture clash. And, because I'm 
dogfooding the web interface, I find myself doing things like not quoting 
as much (because the original is RIGHT THERE) and so forth. So far no 
one's complained, but I suppose if you're used to top-posting anyway it's 
not that big a leap.

Of course, having a richer HTML version of the mailing list will help with 
this: you can always click on an included link if you don't have the full 
thread in your email client, things like that. And I can include avatars 
and such in the email, though I like to think the influence of the 
mailing-list side of the culture will town down the excess of included 
graphics and twinkly smiley crap that webforum culture sometimes runs to. 
(That may be a bit Pollyannaish of me, and probably depends on the nature 
of the forum's topic. In my case, chiefly play-by-message roleplaying.)

WY>But that's a totally different matter from how I understood the original
WY>topic (let's create a perl based MLM just because).

Yes. And perhaps a bit off-topic for this list.

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