Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
* Bill Moseley <mose...@hank.org> [2009-06-06T11:34:29]
I see the recommendation to use Email::Sender, but are there docs

You have sent this message at an excellent time!  Email::Sender::Simple is
potentially done, and I've written a quickstart guide, just last night.

OK I'm hooked.  How much more potential is there?  :-)

I've been trying for a good and "simple" way to send email from Windows and Linux systems. So E:S:S looks like it would fill the bill. In fact I think I've tried and used (with differing success) Email::Sender and friends but never came up with a consistent tool/method that worked for both OS'.



I tend to either send plain text or html formatted messages.  If I
send an html messages and I don't also have a plain text version I
want to extract text and links from the html to make a plain text

You might like the BBC's Email::MIME::CreateHTML:


I think it does everything you want.

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