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26 May 2018
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Previous edition: FBI Informant Who Monitored Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw CIA Spying Op in 1980 Presidential Election

<>Japan is poised to flood the Pacific with one million tons of radioactive water contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear plant --Nearly 160 tons of radioactive water is produced at the abandoned plant per day --The Japanese government may decide to deposit the waste into the Pacific | 21 May 2018 | Japan is poised to flood the Pacific Ocean with one million tons of radioactive water contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear plant. Storage space at the abandoned facility is running dangerously low as officials race to secure the nearly 160 tons of radioactive water produced at the plant per day. As space for tanks dwindles the Japanese government and the plant's owner Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) may decide to dump treated water into the ocean...Currently the Tritium water produced at Fukushima is ten times the national standard for ocean dumping of treated waste.

<>North and South Korean leaders meet to discuss Kim-Trump summit | 26 May 2018 | South Korean President Moon Jae-in held a surprise meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Saturday (May 26) to ensure a <>summit between Kim and US President Donald Trump goes off successfully, South Korean officials said. It was the clearest sign yet that the on-again off-again summit between Trump and Kim is likely to be held as initially agreed, in Singapore on Jun 12. The unannounced meeting at the Panmunjom border village between Moon and Kim came a month after they held the first inter-Korean summit in more than a decade at the same venue and declared they would toward a nuclear-free Korean peninsula.

<>'We are having very productive talks': Trump says North Korea summit could still happen and would 'likely' remain scheduled for June 12 in Singapore | 25 May 2018 | President Donald Trump says the US is 'having very productive talks with North Korea' about a summit next month with Kim Jong Un, and says it could happen June 12, the date that was under consideration before Trump abruptly canceled the summit Thursday. Trump tweeted on Friday night that if the summit happens it 'will likely remain in Singapore on the same date, June 12th., and, if necessary, will be extended beyond that date.' The President had said earlier Friday that the potentially historic summit might be getting back on track.

<>N. Korea says it's still ready to talk to US 'at any time, in any way' | 24 May 2018 | The decision by US President Donald Trump to cancel the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is "not in line with the world's wishes," the government in Pyongyang has announced. Kim has made the "utmost efforts" to hold a summit with Trump, said the North Korean first vice minister for foreign affairs, Kim Kye-gwan, according to the state news agency KCNA. The meeting between two leaders was scheduled for June 12 in Singapore. Pyongyang is "still willing to resolve issues with the United States," the official said, holding onto the hope that the meeting could still be rescheduled. "Our goal and will to do everything for peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and mankind remains unchanged, and we are always willing to give time and opportunity to the US side with an open mind," Kim Kye-gwan said.

<>Trump cancels Singapore nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un President Donald Trump canceled his historic nuclear summit with Kim Jong Un on Thursday, accusing North Korea of "tremendous anger and open hostility." The meeting, which would have marked the first face-to-face encounter between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader, was set for June 12 in Singapore. "Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting," Trump wrote in a letter to Kim, which was released Thursday morning. The president dictated every word of the letter himself, a senior White House official told reporters...Much of the letter was written in seemingly friendly terms, including praise for North Korea's <>recent release of three American prisoners.

<>'Eruptions of earth and rock': RT witnesses N. Korea's dismantling of Punggye-ri nuke test site | 24 May 2018 | North Korea has dismantled its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri, according to RT's Igor Zhdanov, who is part of a journalist pool that witnessed the event. According to Zhdanov, the journalists were shown three of four tunnels used for nuclear tests at the site. One of them, the northern tunnel, had been used extensively for recent nuclear testing, he said. The North Koreans explained that the two other tunnels were new and would have likely been used for tests in the near future. Demolishing the tunnels, Zhdanov said, "was a real way of showing how they are ready to make real concessions."

<>North Korea's Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site: Viewing Areas Identified and Preparations for Closure Continue | 22 May 2018 | Recent commercial satellite imagery indicates additional preparations for the announced closure of North Korea's Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site that could take place in the next few days, depending on weather. The most notable development is the near completion of a probable observation platform/viewing stand to allow journalists to safely view the explosive closure of the North and West Portals (a view of the South Portal from that position might be blocked by trees)...A separate, less elaborate observation position has been placed on a hillside directly across the valley from the South Portal, providing a clear view of that area, particularly after the recent clearing of some trees in that area as well.

<>US-led strike hits government targets in Syria - state media | 24 May 2018 | US-led coalition warplanes have bombed several Syrian army positions in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, state media outlet SANA reports, citing a military source. The attack took place shortly after midnight on Thursday. SANA reported that the US-led coalition aircraft inflicted limited material damage and no casualties. The airstrikes, which hit near the city of Al-Bukamal, were reportedly coordinated with anti-government militants. Earlier, Lebanon’s Hezbollah group, an ally of the Syrian forces in the fight with Islamic State (IS, former ISIS/ISIL [but still I-CIA-SIS]) said the coalition jets targeted two Syrian army outposts, including an energy installation near the Iraqi border.

<>Suicide blast kills at least 4, injures 15 in Baghdad | 24 May 2018 | At least four people have been killed and 15 injured in a suicide attack in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, according to the local security services. The attack hit the Shula district in the northwest part of the city, a predominantly Shi'ite neighborhood. The bomber detonated an explosive vest after being approached by security forces near a local park, Iraq's National Security media center says. No group claimed responsibility for the blast in the immediate aftermath.

<>Russia 'absolutely' rejects Dutch and Aussie accusations it's responsible for downing of MH17 | 25 May 2018 | Moscow has rejected any involvement in the crash of flight MH17 in Ukraine after the Netherlands and Australia declared Russia "responsible" for the deployment of a BUK missile system that downed the jet in 2014. Moscow neither accepts nor trusts the results of an international investigation [sic] into the MH17 crash as it was not allowed to take part in it, according to the Russian president's spokesman Dmitry Peskov... Peskov echoed the position of the Russian president Vladimir Putin who earlier said that, although Ukraine was included in the probe, <>Russia was barred from participating in establishing the truth. Asked if he can confirm that Russia vehemently denies any involvement in the MH17 downing, Peskov replied "absolutely."

<>Russian diplomats must be allowed access to Yulia Skripal to know she's not held forcibly - embassy | 23 May 2018 | Russia's Embassy urged London to give direct access to Yulia Skripal after the release of her first interview since the Salisbury attack, since there are doubts that she has been held against her will or forced to make statements. "We are glad to have seen Yulia Skripal alive and well," the Russian Embassy in the UK said in a statement. "However, the video shown only strengthens our concerns as to the conditions in which she is being held." ..."The UK is obliged to give us the opportunity to speak to Yulia directly in order to make sure that she is not held against her own will and is not speaking under pressure. So far, we have every reason to suspect the opposite," the statement reads.

<>Utah man incarcerated in Venezuela jail is on his way home, officials say | 26 May 2018 | A Utah man who has been incarcerated in a Venezuelan jail since 2016 was on a flight home to the U.S., Venezuelan officials said Saturday. Joshua Holt, 26, has been jailed in Venezuela after he traveled to the South American country in the summer of 2016 to marry Thamara Candelo, whom he met on a website for Mormon singles...Venezuelan authorities claim Holt and his wife were stockpiling weapons, and have suggested they were part of a U.S. plan to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro.

<>Venezuela expels top US diplomat for conspiring against government | 22 May 2018 | The top US diplomat in Caracas, Venezuela and his deputy have been ordered to leave the country after allegedly conspiring against the government, President Nicolas Maduro announced. "I have declared him persona non grata and I announce the exit of the US charge d'affaires in 48 hours," Maduro said on Tuesday, referring to Todd Robinson. His deputy, Brian Naranjo, was also expelled. The expulsion comes after Washington denounced <>Maduro's victory in Venezuela's elections on Sunday as a "sham." Maduro won 4 million votes more than the second-placed opposition candidate Henri Falcon, but the turnout was just over 46 percent.

<>Military helicopter drops ammunition can on Parkland Elementary roof | 17 May 2018 | (El Paso, TX) Military Police are investigating why and how a military helicopter dropped a box of ammunition over Parkland Elementary School. A spokesman with the Ysleta Independent School District said it happened at about 3:45 p.m. Thursday. Fort Bliss officials said the incident damaged the roof and a classroom. [A supply drop for the next mass shooting event?]

<>Lawmakers seek registry for military water contamination cancers, illnesses | 18 May 2018 | Lawmakers have introduced a bill to create a registry of military families experiencing cancers and other illnesses they think may be tied to <>base water contamination. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., introduced the "PFAS [per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances] Registry Act" in April. In April, Military Times reported that the Pentagon had released a study on all the bases that have water sources that tested positive for higher than recommended levels of PFOS and PFOA -- compounds tied to cancers and birth defects... The registry would be similar to one established to record service member exposure to burn pits. In February the Department of Labor found that exposure to the open-air burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan had caused lung disease. [Thanks, Halliburton!]

<>The power went out at this Florida city. The 'zombie alert' came next. | 21 May 2018 | A power outage in a South Florida city sparked an alert that left residents wondering if they had awakened to the end of the world. "Power outage and zombie alert for the residents of Lake Worth and Terminus," the alert read. "There are now far less than 7,380 customers involved due to extreme zombie activity." The alert was sent at 1:45 a.m. Sunday and referenced the fictional town threatened by zombies in AMC's television series, "The Walking Dead." City officials confirmed the alert came from the city, but said the message was altered, WPBF <>reported.

<>2 males wanted after improvised explosive device detonated at Mississauga restaurant injures 15 --3 people suffered 'critical blast injuries,' paramedics say | 25 May 2018 | (Canada) Police say an improvised explosive device is responsible for an explosion at a Mississauga restaurant that injured 15 people, including three who paramedics say suffered "critical blast injuries." Police say two males detonated the device inside the restaurant and are now searching for the pair, who fled the scene immediately after the blast. Tactical teams could be seen outside the restaurant as patients were loaded into ambulances.

<>Three Ebola patients who escaped Congo quarantine were taken to church and prayed with 50 people before two were found dead, as outbreak kills 27 | 24 May 2018 | Two Ebola patients escaped from a hospital in the Congo and were taken by their families to pray in a church with 50 people, Medecins Sans Frontieres said today. The patients left the hospital holding them in quarantine in Congo city of Mbandaka, a World Health Organisation spokesperson said, as it warned that the fight to stop the outbreak in the country is at a critical point. Two of the patients were found dead on Tuesday, while a third was taken back to the hospital and is now under observation.

<>House easily passes prison reform bill backed by Trump | 22 May 2018 | The House overwhelming passed a bipartisan prison reform bill Tuesday afternoon amid objections from some Democrats and groups on the left that it doesn't go far enough. Lawmakers approved the First Step Act by a 360-59 vote, including the support of 134 Democrats, to incentivize inmates to complete prison programs that reduce their likelihood to reoffend after they are released. The legislation, authored by Reps. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) and Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), provides 50 million to the Bureau of Prisons annually for the next five years for prison programs including education, drug treatment and job skills training.

<>Trump threatens aid cut to countries that do not stop MS-13 gang migrants | 23 May 2018 | President Donald Trump warned on Wednesday he was working on a plan to reduce U.S. aid to countries he says are doing nothing to stop MS-13 gang members from crossing into the United States illegally. "We're looking at our whole aid structure. It's going to be changed very radically," Trump told a roundtable discussion about the threat posed by the violent gang. MS-13, or the Mara Salvatrucha gang, has 30,000 members worldwide and 10,000 in the United States, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

<>Trump can't block people on Twitter, says federal judge | 23 May 2018 | A federal judge in New York ruled Wednesday that President Donald Trump is not allowed to block people from looking at his Twitter Inc. account because of views they have expressed. In a 75-page ruling, New York District Court Judge Naomi Buchwald handed a victory to the seven users and Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University that sued Trump and other administration officials. Buchwald said Trump and administration officials cannot block Twitter users because it would violate the First Amendment. But, Trump should still be able to mute them, the judge wrote. [Time for users to file a class-action lawsuit against Twitter and Jack Dorsey the dirt-bag for shadow-banning critics of the Deep State.]

<>8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign | 23 May 2018 | Here are eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump for political reasons. Code name - The operation reportedly had at least one code name <>that was leaked to The New York Times: "Crossfire Hurricane." Wiretap fever - Secret surveillance was conducted on no fewer than seven Trump associates: chief strategist Stephen Bannon; lawyer Michael Cohen; national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; campaign chairman Paul Manafort; and campaign foreign policy advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. The FBI <>reportedly applied for a secret warrant in June 2016 to monitor Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos and Flynn. If true, it means the FBI targeted Flynn six months before his much-debated conversation with Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak...

<>House Republicans to call for second special counsel to investigate alleged FISA abuse, Hillary Clinton probe | 22 May 2018 | A group of congressional Republicans plans to introduce a resolution Tuesday calling for the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate alleged misconduct at the FBI and Justice Department. The resolution is backed by Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus as well as two of the group's co-founders -- Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla. Fox News has learned the 12-page resolution will ask a second special counsel to probe matters related to three topics: The ending of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's personal email server, the progress of the Trump-Russia investigation from its origins through the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel, and abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) during the warrant application process.

<>Andrew McCabe spent $70,000 on a table. The FBI hid it from Congress. | 24 May 2018 | Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who was <>fired for lying under oath, spent 70,000 in taxpayer d-llars on a conference table. The FBI also redacted the conference table's steep price tag from documents that members of the Senate Judiciary Committee requested, in an apparent attempt to hide it from Congress. In a <>letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Wednesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed that the FBI had redacted the cost of the table from a document he and his fellow members of the committee requested to see. Grassley said many of the redactions within the documents made no sense, nor were they made to protect national security secrets.

<>Why the man who's spent 50 years in jail for killing Bobby Kennedy COULDN'T have done it: Explosive claim comes to light in a new book by two authors who've spend decades investigating the murder --Robert Kennedy was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel, LA, on June 4, 1968 --Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship, was arrested at scene --He was convicted of murder in 1969 and sentenced to death, commuted to life --His lawyers never denied he fired the shot and instead argued he was insane --Tim Tate and Brad Johnson spent decades investigating the assassination -- They claim in a new book he couldn't have pulled the trigger and is innocent | 25 May 2018 | ...Before the media was locked out of the pantry, an Associated Press photographer also took some pictures -- this time of two uniformed police officers pointing at a bullet hole in the jamb of another door-frame. According to one of the policemen, this also contained a bullet. All the woodwork was later destroyed by the police. But, taking into account all the unexplained bullet holes noted by witnesses, it appeared that at least 14 bullets had been fired. Sirhan, of course, had possessed just one gun and eight bullets. There was another disturbing discrepancy. With the backing of Sirhan's legal team, a top ballistics expert inspected the bullets recovered by the police. In a sworn affidavit, he found a significant difference between a slug recovered from Kennedy's body and another from that of a TV director who'd accompanied him to the pantry. In the expert's opinion, the two bullets could not have been fired from the same gun.

<>Final exams moved to gym as ash fills Hawaii classroom | 25 May 2018 | Aina Akamu gave final exams to his students as they sat on bleachers or the floor of the basketball court in the gym in his small town on Hawaii's Big Island. He moved his class to the community of Pahala's gym nearby after he and his students could no longer stand the volcanic ash covering his classroom floor, chairs and desks...Kau High and Pahala Elementary School is inundated with gritty, gray ash that has been spewing out of a volcano some 20 miles away. During intermittent explosions at Kilauea's summit, including one late Thursday, ash shoots high into the sky and drifts down onto the small, rural campus and nearby areas.

<>Lava crosses Highway 137 and enters ocean | 20 May 2018 | 9:00 a.m.: The Hawaii Volcano Observatory is reporting that the two lava flows entering the ocean near the 13-mile marker have caused sulfur dioxide levels to triple. Hawaii County Civil Defense officials are urging people in the area to take necessary action to avoid exposure. Northeast winds are pushing laze and SO2 southwest for the time being. The county Department of Water Supply said the lava flow that cut across Pohoiki Road also cut off the water system in the area... 7:00 a.m.: Quick-moving lava from Kilauea Volcano crossed Highway 137 and reached the ocean near the 13th mile marker in Lower Puna just before 11 p.m. Saturday, Hawaii County Civil Defense officials said.

<>EPA again bars reporters from water pollution event | 23 May 2018 | The Environmental Protection [sic] Agency (EPA) is barring reporters from attending the second day of an event on drinking water pollution. Journalists from <>The Associated Press, <>Politico and other outlets said EPA staff at the agency's Washington, D.C., headquarters blocked them from entering the National Leadership Summit on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on Wednesday. EPA communications staff had told news outlets in advance that the sessions would be closed to journalists. The decision to ban reporters follows a <>high-profile incident Tuesday in which an AP reporter, Ellen Knickmeyer, was allegedly shoved by an EPA guard when she tried to enter the event.

<>EPA guards forcibly remove AP reporter from summit on contaminants | 22 May 2018 | The Environmental Protection Agency reversed course Tuesday and allowed a reporter for The Associated Press to cover a meeting on water contaminants after she was earlier grabbed by the shoulders and shoved out of the building by a security guard. The AP journalist, Ellen Knickmeyer, said that Lincoln Ferguson, an adviser to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, called to apologize for how she was manhandled and that officials were looking into it. He invited her for the meeting's afternoon session. At least two other news organizations -- CNN and E&E News, which covers energy and environmental issues, had also been initially barred from the event.

<>National Park Service says sinkhole at White House poses no threat | 25 May 2018 | The National Parks Service (NPS) said Friday that a sinkhole that opened up on the White House lawn this week poses no threat to the building or personnel. In a statement, NPS spokeswoman Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles said that the agency had completed its investigation of the sinkhole, which first appeared Tuesday morning. "@NatlParkService has completed excavation around White House sinkhole. We will plug with concrete, fill excavated area, and resod. Excavation confirmed it poses no risk to @WhiteHouse. DC has had more than double average May rainfall. Sinkholes are common following heavy rain," she tweeted.

Stop this insanity: <>Grizzly Bears Can Now Be Hunted Near Yellowstone After Wyoming Vote | 24 May 2018 | The first large-scale hunt for grizzly bears in 43 years in the Lower 48 states is set to take place this September. The Wyoming Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to allow hunters to shoot as many as 22 grizzlies east of Yellowstone National Park. Two weeks ago, the state of Idaho announced the first grizzly season since 1974, just before the Yellowstone grizzly population was listed as an endangered species...Hunting season on grizzlies in Wyoming comes a year after the federal Fish and Wildlife Service lifted Endangered Species Act protection for the population of bears in the Yellowstone area.

<>NFL seeks to outlaw kneeling in new league policy | 23 May 2018 |A new NFL policy announced Wednesday seeks to outlaw kneeling during performances of the national anthem at games, following a national controversy involving President Trump that overshadowed the last football season. Team owners voted at the league's spring meeting in Atlanta to allow the NFL commissioner to impose "appropriate discipline on league personnel who do not stand and show respect for the flag and the Anthem," the policy says, according to WSB-TV in Atlanta. If players disobey the policy, their teams will be fined... The new policy will also allow players to choose to remain in their locker rooms or other off-field locations until the anthem concludes.

<>Harvard University will hold first ever black only graduation ceremony | 11 May 2018 | Harvard University will host a graduation ceremony exclusively for black students, organisers have announced. More than 170 students and 530 guests have signed up to attend the event, which will be held 23 May. All-black ceremonies have been held at other US universities, such as Stanford and Columbia, but this will be a historic first for Harvard.

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'From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as always for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann’s people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much “literature.”

So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being.' <>http<>://

TG mobile +44 7786 952037
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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