---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: irni hamiza <ir...@yahoo.com>
Date: 2009/8/14
Subject: [kcpclass9498] A Worth Sharing Info on H1N1
To: kcpclass9...@yahoogroups.com, keluargawanis...@yahoogroups.com,
mahai...@yahoo.com, emia...@yahoo.com, Wind Chaser <windchaser...@yahoo.com>,
"khairulasy...@maybank.com.my" <khairulasy...@maybank.com.my>

Salam, A very good info on H1N1. I thought the virus can be spread out
via air ....

A(H1N1) UPDATE – 14 Aug 2009

Further to the advice given on Monday (10th August) , it is essential that
we all remain vigilant to possible contact with the A(H1N1) virus, and the
mitigating measure which we can all take.
With the every increasing risk, I am providing below answers to questions
that have been raised of late, which I hope you will all note and where
required, action accordingly.

Signs and Symptoms of Influenza
- Respiratory difficulty, including shortness of breath, rapid breathing,
purple or blue discoloration of lips.
- Coughing blood or blood streaked sputum
- Persistent chest pains
- Persistent diarrhoea and ‘or vomiting
- Fever persisting more than 3 days or recurring after 3 days
- Abnormal behavior, confusion, reduced responsiveness
- Dizziness when standing
- Reduced urine production

Self Treatment
Obviously, you should seek medical advice and treatment, however the
following steps can be considered when confined to your home:
- Take Paracetamol at standard doses, it will not cure your illness but will
make you feel more comfortable
- Get bed rest
- Drink plenty of fluids to keep from getting dehydrated
- Be watchful of emergency warning signs (refer to Signs and Symptoms above)
and seek medical attention accordingly
- Maintain good ventilation in your room, especially in areas of shared

Use of Face Masks
The A(H1N1) virus is a “water” borne virus which spreads through the sputum
ejected in coughing or sneezing, or from the transmission though nasal
mucus, both in direct contact and in indirect transmission though surfaces
the sputum or mucus has settled on. The virus is not transmitted through the

The use of face mask has limited value in protection again the A(H1N1)
virus, however TML recognizes that direct contact with infected persons may
occur especially in crowded public places, including transportation.

These mask are “disposable”, however they can be used a number of times, as
long as they remains clean, uncontaminated and in a serviceable condition.
They are not to be shared, and should be kept in a clean plastic bag when
not in use.

The following precautions should be applied to control infection in the home
and workplace.
Cough and Sneeze “etiquette”, requires you to cover your nose and mouth with
tissue when coughing or sneezing, and cleaning your hands with soap and
water immediately afterwards. Dispose of tissues appropriately

Wash hands often using soap and water, drying hands with disposable or
personal hand towels
Social distancing. Stay at home (or as advised by your doctor) if you have
fever or during the time you are likely to spread the infection. Individual
that are sick should maintain as much physical distance from other members
of the household, and should wear a mask if they have to leave the home.

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