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--- Begin Message ---

> Salvador, I've done quite a bit of research on Prolog alternatives
> in
> Perl and I am familiar with Language::Prolog::Yaswi
> (http://use.perl.org/~Ovid/journal/22708).  I came to the
> conclusion
> that this module was the best available (that I could find), but
> there
> were some problems with it.
> 1.  It doesn't compile with the latest version of SWI-Prolog, I had
> to
> drop down to the 5.2 series.
> 2.  Compiling 5.2.X SWI-Prolog with --enable-mt failed entirely on
> my
> Mac OS X.
> 3.  The README states very clearly that "very early alpha release
> and lots of bugs should be expected."
> There were some other issues, but those were the big ones.  Since
> this
> project doesn't appear to have been touched for two years and (with
> all
> due respect) since you didn't respond to my email inquiries, I
> concluded that Language::Prolog::Yaswi was a dead project.

oops, sorry, I didn't get your mails, maybe they were classified as
spam by the yahoo filter and I only check my spam from time to time
because I got too much :-(

Please, send me your comments again and I would try to fix the bugs.

Anyway, I will upload a new version supporting latest SWI-Prologs
soon, the problems are nothing serious, caused by some minnor changes
to the prolog package layout on disk. Just two lines have to be
changed on one of the Makefiles :-)


  - Salvador

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--- End Message ---

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