Yes, I have the book, and played with some examples/ideas in it. In fact,
I've felt in love with Perl, during my PhD in AI, 2004, when I have to
program some NLP algorithms. Thought that past 3-5 years I was focused in
another fields, using other languages - JavaScript && Python: ), I'm
absolutely sure that the Perl family (especially Perl6) are the most proper
languages for such tasks. And I'll try to prove it, when I finish with my
current projects. I have some ideas to work on Rogers Schank's Conceptual
Dependency theory with Perl6. And hope, to have the time and proficiency
to contribute with some NLP tooling modules for Perl6.

On 18 May 2018 at 19:37, Jovan Trujillo <> wrote:

> Regarding NLP and Perl 6 I have stumbled across this conversation:
> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 9:04 AM, Jovan Trujillo <
> > wrote:
>> Do you have the book: An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl
>> and Prolog by Pierre M. Nugues? I have not read it yet but that's where I
>> would go first to do a similar project.
>> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 2:43 AM, Iva E. Popova <>
>> wrote:
>>> Good you're posting here: is nice name. And thanks for
>>> sharing...
>>> I'm planning to do (in far future) some NLP toolkit (based on Schank's
>>> CD theory) in Perl6 and will post here, as well :)
>>> On 18 May 2018 at 06:59, Jovan Trujillo <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Well I'm just starting to compile a set of tools for perl. I've tried
>>>> to build AI::MXNet myself in the past without success, but today I learned
>>>> that they provide a docker image! So it's as simple as:
>>>> docker pull mxnet/perl
>>>> docker run -ti --rm mxnet/perl
>>>> and then you can try out the examples the author of AI:MXNet blogged
>>>> about:
>>>> learning-in-perl.html
>>>> learning-in-perl-part2-a-calculator-handwritten-digits-and-r
>>>> oboshakespeare.html
>>>> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 2:10 AM, Sophoklis Goumas <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 16 May 2018 at 19:05, Jovan Trujillo <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> >
>>>>> Interesting.
>>>>> Share with us more details about the rest of the hardware/software you
>>>>> use.
>>>>> Please?

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