On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 01:11:10PM +0000, Paul Howarth wrote:
> On 21/02/11 12:45, Petr Pisar wrote:
> > Injecting 0 is pointless. Better no version than useless 0.
> On the contrary, no version is equivalent to "any version" as far as rpm 
> is concerned, which is a problem waiting to happen and why rpmlint will 
> complain about it if you explicitly add an unversioned provide. Adding a 
> version of 0 means that any sane versioning scheme introduced by 
> upstream in the future will be "newer" than what you've already used.
> At this time there shouldn't be any versioned requires on these provides 
> since upstream doesn't version them, so having a version 0 provide 
> shouldn't break anything.
We talked about it already. In my opinion it's a bug in RPM dependency solver.
It's cheating rpmlint and RPM. No more, no less.

-- Petr

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