>>>>> "JNP" == Joshua N Pritikin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JNP> On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 13:59 +0100, Jörn Reder wrote:
  >> Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> > have you looked at Stem which is also based on event.pm? it does more
  >> > than RPC as it is message passing based and can do RPC, peer to peer and
  >> > multicast as well. find it on cpan or at stemsystems.com.
  >> I didn't know it but just crawled through the documentation a bit. It 
  >> looks Stem is much more extensive than Event::RPC, which "just" handles
  >> object method calls transparently between a server and connected 
  >> clients.

  JNP> Yah.

yah++. i said it does much more :). and i prefer async communucations
over sync in most cases. one reason is that you can easily emulate sync
with an async system, it is almost impossible the other way around. stem
.11 (still to be released) has a CLI example which has effectively an
RPC like api from an external process into a stem server. you can either
inject a proper stem message and get one in return or inject an
object/structure and get one in return. both are sync from the external
point fo view and that makes them basically RPC. it just isn't called
that and i may change that just to get people to know stem has RPC

  JNP> I like the Event::RPC API.  That's my cursory evaluation.

haven't looked at it yet.


you should sign up for the perl-loop list (we are cc'ing it). i haven't
checked out the other RPC modules but there are a bunch on
cpan. possibly you could steal^Wlearn a few ideas from them. :).


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
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