At 12:26 AM -0500 11/6/01, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>I keep getting:
>$ MCR SYS$DISK:[]perl. -"Ilib" op/my_stash.t

If you use the Unix filename syntax, you'll need to wrap the filespec
in double quotes, but that's not your immediate problem.

>%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image PERLSHR
>-SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image
>or variants thereof.

Do this (and you might want to put these lines in the file

$ @[schwern.perl]perl_setup
$ define/translation=concealed perl_root dkb300:[schwern.perl.]

Then go try what you were doing again.  On VMS, the bulk of Perl
resides in a dynamic library that's pointed to by the logical name
PERLSHR.  I think you're getting an old version of the dynamic
library that doesn't match the more recent Perl you're running.
Getting the logicals properly set up should take care of it.
Craig A. Berry                  

"Literary critics usually know what they're
talking about. Even if they're wrong."
        -- Perl creator Larry Wall

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