On Monday 11 November 2002 14:40, Michael G Schwern wrote:

> > We *could* add a method called really_create_a_new_builder() that doesn't
> > have the singleton properties, but what problem does that solve?  As long
> > as we're stuck with test numbers, we have to try not to confuse
> > Test::Harness.

> Little known fact: test numbers are optional.

With the mandatory Test::Harness upgrade, yes.  My point is that mixing 
Test::Builder outputs is bad juju:

        ok 1
        ok 2
        ok 3
        ok 1
        ok 2
        ok 4

Maybe "stuck with" isn't the right phrase, but the conservative in me says 
"test numbers will be around for a while."  Plus, I *like* them as a final 
sanity check.

> I know people have grumbled before about there being no way around the
> singleton property, I just can't remember why.  I'm doing that a lot
> lately. Maybe I should check my hospital receipt, make sure all they took
> out was my appendix.  What's this scar on the back of my head...?

And why are you beeping?

> Ok, here's one from me.
> It would make Test::Builder easier to test itself for one.  There's lots of
> T::B tests which deliberately throw it off into some bizarre state or cause
> lots of failures.  These results must be pipped off somewhere and analyzed
> seperately.  For those tests, we're back to using a hand-rolled ok()
> function.
> With two T::B objects, we could beat on one object while leaving another in
> a normal state to perform the tests.

Simplifying the tests there is a *good* reason.  They scare me.

I suppose we could also log only certain kinds of tests, too.  That might make 
some of my fiendish plans easier.  (Log only can_ok(), in this T::B object.)

Maybe we're too coarsely grained on the singletonness.  It's only the test 
counters and outputs that really need to be single, right?  We could make 
Test::Builder::Counter and Test::Builder::Output as singletons and let 
Test::Builder use those by default.  For the tests, we could mock them or 
override them, or whatever we find necessary.

Serious suggestion.

> The real reason why I put all the data into lexicals rather than a hash is
> because its easier to type $Have_Plan than $self->{Have_Plan}.

Hmm, perhaps a source filter that allows:


It's only one character longer...

-- c

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