Vlad Harchev wrote:
> I'm testing some perl source code transformation tool (kinda perl source
> code prettifier). I would like to test
> it by running over some huge software package written in perl that have
> testsuites written for it available (i.e. I would like to transform some
> package's source, transform its testsuite's source, then run transformed 
> testsuite to check whether transformed project still passes the tests).
> Could you please recommend me some such big perl packages with testsuites?
> Thanks in advance.

You will get best coverage from the perl 5.8.0 test suite itself.

As a matter of fact, the perl test suite already includes a rough mechanism
to allow it to be run through some sort of filter : look in the perlhack
manpage for the mention of the test.deparse make target, and scan the general
Makefile and t/TEST script to see how it's implemented. With a little work you'll
probably be able to run the perl test suite through your tool.


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