On Nov 2, 2005, at 10:19 AM, David Landgren wrote:

Chris Dolan wrote:

In the last year as a Fink maintainer (Mac OS X debian-like package manager), I've come across a couple CPAN modules that have no license information at all. It's very frustrating. I've submitted RT bugs, but one of them has been fixed (thanks Ken Williams). To encourage authors to correct this oversight, I propose a new pair of Kwalitee tests. Both would be nice, but if either of them were implemented, I'd be thrilled. I'd prefer that someone else implement the test (lack of tuits), but if there is approval for the idea without a motivated implementer I will take a hack at it. 1) has_license -- check for the presence of a file named something like LICENSE or COPYING or COPYLEFT or GPL or ... (each test case insensitive, with or without .txt extensions). Alternatively, the test can be more liberal by looking for the string "copyright" in README, *pm and *.pod. 2) has_meta_yml_license -- check for a META.yml field named "license". Module::Build supports this.

That would suck, you may as well propose a Kwalitee bit for modules that use Module::Build.

I know that the current alpha of ExtUtils::MakeMaker supports this, but until it is released as stable *and* module authors have the time to upgrade EU::MM *and* release a new version of their module (s), those authors will be penalised through no fault of their own.


What penalty? The whole point of Kwalitee is not to reward authors who jump through hoops, but to encourage authors to live up to community expectations. That includes good packaging, good POD and, I say emphatically, clear licensing. Anything we can do to encourage authors to more clearly state their license is a good thing. If that in turn means encouraging them to 1) use Module::Build, 2) upgrade EU::MM or 3) hand-edit META.yml, then I think that's a burden worth bearing.

You're complaining that its too big a burden to clearly state your module's license? To me that's just crazy. To some people, the license is actually more important than the module (e.g. if I can only redistribute Artistically license code).

After all, Kwalitee is not an entrance barrier to CPAN. It's a tool to let authors know what is important to the rest of us.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software (http://www.media-landscape.com/) and partners in the revolutionary Croquet project (http://www.opencroquet.org/)

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