Hello all,

I've just published an article about public vs. private regression tests. I've defined private tests as t/*.t files that are for the author only and don't go in MANIFEST. Naturally, those don't get as much publicity as tests included in CPAN distributions.

In the article I advocate that some tests should be private. In particular, 1) those that test non-critical aspects of a module (like documentation and coding style)
  2) those that are too expensive to run often
  3) those that require special software or customization
In my conclusion I describe a possible system where authors publish the results of private tests with their distributions as a trust- based kwalitee system. That is, authors assert kwalitee rather than be judged for it.

http://www.chrisdolan.net/talk/index.php/2005/11/14/private- regression-tests/

Both positive and negative feedback is very welcome!

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, www.chrisdolan.net
Public key: http://www.chrisdolan.net/public.key

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