
I'm writing a module to help debug application. I have used it in PBS for a 
while and I wanted to rewrite it "right" with tests and all.

===== 1 =====
The first problem I have is capturing the module output when it is loaded. 
I tried:

my $capture ;

$capture = IO::Capture::Stdout->new();

local $Plan = {'load without debugger, Debug::Mixin banner  NOT shown' => 1} ;

my @all_lines = $capture->read;

is("@all_lines", "expected", "message") ;

without any success.

===== 2 =====
I will also have a bunch of tests that need to be run under the debugger. I 
will use Devel::ebug as it is the only way to control the debugger. There are 
tests in the ebug distribution that I might be able to copy but I would also 
like to try this in the "standard" perl debugger.

has anyone experimented with something similar?

===== 3 =====

To get a 100% coverage I had to run this test:

        Bum::Config::new () ;
        } "invalid constructor" ;

How do you guys test this?

===== 4 =====

A propos coverage, I have a module (Text:::Vip) that fiddles quite a lot with 
member subs, adding them dynamicaly. The more tests I added, the least 
coverage I got!

Has anyone seen this before?

Cheers, Nadim.

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