On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 11:11:25AM -0800, Ovid wrote:
> Pursuant to some discussion with BrowserUK at
> http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=593087, I'm looking at this and seeing
> some problems.
> --
> Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> t/bar.t        4  1024    13    4  2 6-8
> t/foo.t        1   256    10    1  5
> Failed 2/3 test scripts. 5/33 subtests failed.
> Files=3, Tests=33,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.10 cusr +  0.01 csys =  0.11
> CPU)
> Failed 2/3 test programs. 5/33 subtests failed.
> --
> How about this instead?
> --
> Failed Test | Total | Fail |   List of Failed   |   TODO Passed
> ------------+-------+------+--------------------+----------------
> t/bar.t     |     13|     4|2, 6-8              |3-4
> ------------+-------+------+--------------------+----------------
> t/foo.t     |     10|     1|5                   |

I'd like Wstat, even if I don't have Stat. I like to know if tests coredumped.
I may be in a minority here, but being able to optionally switch to that
output is useful.

I like the prominence of TODO passed

I'm not sure if I like the lines making the table. I guess it's a bit of a
bikeshed, but having horizontal lines between each will increase the amount
of vertical space needed to convey the same information, which will mean
fewer failures will be needed to exceed my screen's height.

Nicholas Clark

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