--- Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like Wstat, even if I don't have Stat. I like to know if tests
> coredumped.
> I may be in a minority here, but being able to optionally switch to
> that output is useful.

Fair enough.

> I like the prominence of TODO passed

Cool.  I hated wedging it in there like that, but I couldn't think of
another nice format.

> I'm not sure if I like the lines making the table. I guess it's a bit
> of a
> bikeshed, but having horizontal lines between each will increase the
> amount
> of vertical space needed to convey the same information, which will
> mean
> fewer failures will be needed to exceed my screen's height.

So with optional Wstat, you're thinking something like this?

Failed Test | Wstat | Total | Fail |   List of Failed   |   TODO Passed
t/bar.t     |   1024|     13|     4|2, 6-8              |3-4
t/foo.t     |    256|     10|     1|5                   |

And Andy Lester wrote:

> The vertical lines are just noise.  What Tufte calls "chartjunk".

That's what I thought at first, too, but looks at this:

Failed Test   Total   Fail     List of Failed        TODO Passed
t/bar.t           13      9 2, 6-8, 13, 17, 33-35 3-4
t/foo.t           10     10 5, 19, 27, 37-38, 117 9-11  

In trying to pack in the 'TODO passed' information, I'm running out of
room.  That's becoming annoying to read (It would be even worse without
those plus signs:

Failed Test   Total   Fail     List of Failed        TODO Passed
t/bar.t           13      9 2, 6-8, 13, 17, 33-35 3-4
t/foo.t           10     10 5, 19, 27, 37-38, 117 9-11  

Did you mean that you didn't like the 'horizontal' lines?




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