Reading through this I can't help but thing I've seen it all before.

The PITA test result code conversation, if you'll recall.

But when that cloned something akin to HTTP codes it was because there looked to be only 15-20 total possible results.

And it's not meant to be extensible the way TAP is.

And even then I'm still looking at moving to string codes.

Adam K

Andy Armstrong wrote:
Ovid's post about TAP::Tests has reminded me: would it be useful to have a TAP statement that conveys the exit code of a test script? At the moment in a hypothetical situation where there's some distance between the harness and the test script - like perhaps they're on different machines - the test script's exit status has to be sent out-of-band. If you add

exit <n>

to the grammar then the TAP transcript becomes a complete log of the test.

At the moment in TAP::Harness we have the option of spooling TAP to a file - which captures everything useful /apart/ from exit status.

--Andy Armstrong,

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