On Friday 09 March 2007 14:50, Michael G Schwern wrote:

>     We can leverage any existing status system we want.  HTTP status.  Exit
> status.  Throw them all in!  Don't find TAP's existing statuses rich
> enough? Add your own extension keys!  A particular status code not make
> sense for your application?  Leave it out!

Frequently Unasked Question:

        But Schwern, if we run all of our tests through Test::Harness, not only 
it not report that extra diagnostic information but it doesn't run non-Perl 
tests very easily!  Therefore we can't use TAP!

Frequently Unanswered Answer:

        You can *run* the tests and *analyze* the results in separate steps.  
why they're separate steps.

I think people get hung up on the idea that there is or has to be only one way 
to run-and-analyze tests in one step.

-- c

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