There's a lot of noise and very little signal about TAP lately.  Absolutely
no real TAP extensions have been implemented.  The TAP document remains in
exactly the same form it was 9 months ago.

We're spinning our wheels and going nowhere.

I'm going to declare the most important TAP tasks and until they're done I
really don't want to hear about anything else.  If you have a bright TAP
idea archive it on the wiki until later.

Here they are, in no particular order.

*)  TAP::Parser / TAP::Harness / Test::Harness 3.0

We need a flexible TAP parser so folks can do all the things we dream we
might be able to do with TAP.  TAP::Parser is it.  It needs work.  There's a
mailing list and repo.

Andy Armstrong, Ovid and Eric Willhelm are doing all the work so far.  Help

*)  Improve the TAP standards document

Andy Lester wrote a draft of the TAP standard.  There have been no releases
since.  There's mistakes, typos, ommissions, you name it.  Work on it.  Put
it on a POD wiki to allow easier collaborative editing.  Talk with Ovid
about where the ambiguities are, he's had to work them out for TAP::Parser.

*)  A TAP version

Before we add any TAP extensions we need a way to identify what version of
TAP we're outputting.  Discuss and implement.

*)  TAP diagnostic format

There is no way to output diagnostics in TAP.  The stuff Test::More spits
out to STDERR are unparsable comments indented for humans.  Its not TAP.
This is the single biggest TAP deficiency.

There is a proposal which solves several problems at once.  Discuss and
implement a patch for Test::Builder to allow authors to output explicit

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