Test results currently look something like this:

  t/foo.t................. ok
  t/bar.t................. ok
  t/baz.t................. 23/?
  #   Failed test at t/baz.t line 9
  # Looks like you failed 2 tests out of 23
  t/baz.t................. Dubious, test ...

Why do we do this instead of outputting TAP (using YAML diagnostics)?

  ok 1     - t/foo.t
  ok 2     - t/bar.t
  not ok 3 - t/baz.t
      - 2
      - 11

And we could even add diagnostics for the non-failing tests.  This
could be an alternate output, but now instead of external tools having
to try and parse our ad-hoc Test::Harness output, we could have an
alternate machine read-able output that those tools could use.  Now if
only we had a useful way to read that output ...


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