* Pedro Figueiredo <m...@pedrofigueiredo.org> [2010-01-03T07:06:19]
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 11:40 AM, chromatic <chroma...@wgz.org> wrote:
> >
> > If the design of perl.org had been up to me, I'd have spent much more time
> > promoting the Perl brand instead of the proprietary brand of a privately
> > held corporation.
> For better or for worse, the Perl brand *is* the camel. Either get
> O'Reilly to give up their copyright on it, or live dangerously.

It would be a shocking display of benevolence on the part of O'Reilly to "give
up" the camel.  And... "live dangerously?"  Do you mean: "piss off the
publisher of many useful Perl books, opening ourselves to lawsuits and

That's not a good plan.


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