# from Eden Cardim
# on Monday 18 July 2011 11:53:

>> Moving out of the realm of what you can do today, it may be
>> worth adding a key to the meta file which indicates the 
>> tests are not safe for parallel testing.
>I'm not sure I see how to accomplish that, given the meta file is
> under the author's control, ...

Yes, and fixing the tests is also under the author's control.  Tests are 
programs, and programs which cannot be run concurrently with some 
certain other programs have bugs.  But a key in the meta file wouldn't 
be much different than a "distributed workaround database" -- and it 
lacks granularity.

TAP::Harness already has a per-file mechanism to control parallel/serial 
testing (not sure if there's an easy way to set this up in .proverc.)  
See 'rules' under TAP::Harness->new() -- granted, this has been marked 
as 'experimental' for the past couple years.


IIRC, you can have just one 'seq' key and put all of your buggy tests in 
one list.  One can then use 'tap_harness_args' to put that in Build.PL, 

Turns out the optimal technique is to put it in reverse and gun it.
--Steven Squyres (on challenges in interplanetary robot navigation)

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