On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK)
<philippe.bru...@free.fr> wrote:
> - elbeho asked for advice regarding lunches (a break to eat outside
>  vs. snacks in the dev room)
> - elbeho planned to book restaurants for the evenings
> - daxim's advice: avoid to leave the building even if it's not a decent
>  lunch meal. proper dinner compensates

I strongly concur.  Lunch onsite is a nice for a short break that
doesn't cut into hacking time too much.  What I liked in Birmingham
was that lunch was in the building, but in a separate room and for an
hour, we all got to leave, have our stuff locked safely away and
eat/chat with our fellows, but it was *only* an hour break.  Lunch in
the room is OK, too, but probably means less social interaction during
lunch.  That's still better than a long interruption for lunch.

-- David

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