On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 6:35 AM, Jed Lund <jandrewl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if I could get some pointers towards a module or package
> that would allow me to test the functionality of various elements of code
> that I was developing while I also tested the STDERR and STDOUT output from
> that element of code?  I have been hunting around CPAN for the right fit
> but so far I have only found STDERR/STDOUT tests or functionality tests not
> a way to test both results from the same method call.

  This sounds like a job for ... Test::Trap!

The most basic case would be to test the output of a method that returned
> some defined result while also capturing any warnings prompted by malformed
> input which did not cause catastrophic failure.  The goal would be to
> certify the output and the warning message from the same method call.

my $result = trap { $obj->method(@args) }; # or my @results, for list
# Possibly:
$trap->warn_is_deeply( \@expected_warnings, "Got exactly the expected
warnings?" );
# ... but usually more usefully:
$trap->stderr_like( $pattern, "Trapped stderr matches expectations" );
# ... and you may still test $trap->stdout, $result/@result (or
$trap->return), and whatever else, from the same call.


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