The docs I ship with The GUI Loft is an old version of forgotten origin. I probably should update it to cover Win32::GUI 1.0 .

The docs are not good, but better than nothing.
The situation with the samples which is much more important improved.

The docs have been much improved - are you sure you have got the updated versions? A while ago Steve and Laurent went through and updated or added most (if not all) function, methods and events.

The introduction, and tutorials could be improved though:)

At the moment the samples are only included with the source - perhaps it's worth including them with the binary too?

Once V1 is built and on sourceforge, it would be a good idea to do a bit of a 'marketing' blitz and hit the various newsgroups and websites (perlmonks, activestate etc) and inform people that a new version is available. How do we get V1 added to the activestate repositories?

I'm also of the view that you can never have enough examples:) So perhaps it's an idea to call for more examples, perhaps with a set of goals in mind (a couple of examples per control, "advanced" concepts, full applications etc )?



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