Jeremy White wrote:
One thing I did notice - and this is a minor issue and not really related to your script - is how XP styles are handled. To get XP styles turned on by default, a manifest file has to be in the same directory as the running exe (i.e., perl or wperl) - if the manifest is missing, then you get the "old" window look - as I had the manifest for perl, but not for wperl I was getting an inconsistent look when toggling the console window option. I'm wondering if these manifest files should be installed automatically as part of the installation process?

I don't have access to XP, so have not looked into manifests. I can see that distributing them (or otherwise making them available) would be a good thing, but I'm not so sure about installing them in the perl bin directory - is there any down side to doing that?

How about a Wiki page explaining what is needed as a starting point?

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

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