Jeremy White wrote:
Something like this:
- ability to close Console if there is one present and its not needed
- automatically re-create a console window if any reads/writes are done on stdin/out/err
- ability to set the Console window title, Icon etc.

Eventually remove GetPerlWindow() from GUI.xs??

I suspect I'm missing the point:) But why do any of this? During development most people would run with the console window showing - makes debugging a GUI app so much simpler. Then when the script needs to be deployed (either by wperl, or one of the exe creators) - the console is automatically not created?

Good question that set me off thinking. The initial though was spurred by not wanting to have to re-write all the demos so that they could be launched without consoles, but still have one when needed. Having thought further, I think I can make a case for it:

(1) You're right about how you and I (and others) would probably develop apps, but I'm pretty sure that most people don't package their perl scripts as executables. It would be nice for these people to have something more powerful than
that wouldn't hide the console if started from the command line, and didn't launch a console when double clicking the .pl script, unless the script produces some output.

(2) If I use other peoples modules in my apps, then I don't know what errors will be produced to stdout/stderr, and I'd get better bug reports if people could see something, rather than the app silently terminating.

I'm going to have a go at this, as I think it's a pretty simple wrapper round Win32::Console. Then we'll see what people think (besides, I think I need something to complete the script)


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