The only thing that concerns me is that the distribution is growing in size quite rapidly, and once things are in it's difficult to take them out. Is anyone concerned if the binary distribution doubles in size? How about if it trebles in size?

I guess the real question is how do we decide what's in the core and what's not. Should we start separate distributions for some modules instead of having one large distribution?

Personally I wouldn't mind if the binary distribution increased by 10 times - even then it would still be small compared to some toolkits!:) As long as the runtime sizes are kept the same (i.e., we're not loading modules if they aren't being used) and the exe generators (PAR, perl2exe & perlapp) don't automatically include them - then there really isn't any issue other than bandwidth.

There are other advantages of bundling them together - there is some shared code which could be removed, with other code simplified. Going forward, all these modules need to brought together anyway so we can support the NEM, improved class logic (via UserData type methods), Unicode and no doubt other things too:) We could always assume that the user will have these modules installed. Your win32-gui "widget" script for example, would show Perl code via Scintilla and link to the documentation (locally or on the web) via AxWindow (click on a method in the Scintilla window, and the documentation is shown).



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