I had problems installing from the web via ppm. This way worked perfect.

Marvin Billings

"Jenda Krynicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/25/2000 12:47:42 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Marvin Billings/SEL)
Subject:  Re: [perl-win32-gui] Installation Tips

> I also tried installing the package using jenda.mccann.cz instead of
> jenda.krynicky.cz and received the same error
> After poking around http://jenda.mccann.cz I found both the ppd file for
> the Win32-GUI and the .tar.gz file and downloaded them - both files are
> at http://jenda.mccann.cz/perl
> Once both files are download (Win32-GUI.ppd and
> Win32-GUI-0.1999.9.1-PPM.tar.gz) I modified the Win32-GUI.ppd file to
> reference the newer version of the .tar.gz file by changing <CODEBASE
> HREF="Win32-GUI-0.0.434.0-PPM.tar.gz" /> to <CODEBASE
> HREF="Win32-GUI-0.1999.9.1-PPM.tar.gz" />

Except for the fact that you installed the older not the newer
version this all is OK.

I don't know what was the problem with jenda.mccann.cz at that time


== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.McCann.cz ==
            FUCK THE ARMY!

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