Mike Kangas wrote:
> you mean the -f option?? I looked for a -g option because I'd never seen
> that one. still haven't.
> webmaster wrote:
> > If you download PDK from activestate you can create an .exe using the
> > perlapp module.
> > If you use the -g option you can create a freestanding GUI .exe (no dos
> > window).

http://jenda.mccann.cz/perl/GUIscripts.html should apply here as well:

haven't you tried it with
  editbin /subsystem:windows myapp.exe

this should work. the default perl linker flag is 
/subsystem:console that's why it shows the console window.

jan dubois had somewhere a tiny script exetype.pl which 
changes the PE header to the windows flag if you don't 
have msvc (editbin.exe). i think jenda has it on his site.

Reini Urban    

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