Sounds like a need for the ol' obfuscated perl.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 18 December 2001 10:32
> Subject: encrypt a module?
> I am coding a module that will be shared across several other groups
> applications but there are calls in it that only certain 
> groups should use.
> Rather than making separate modules for each group having only the
> functions they need, I'd like to just distribute one copy and 
> only tell
> them what they need to know.  But if they can go pokiing 
> around in there
> (and they will) they might get frisky and start mucking about 
> with things
> they shouldn't be.
> Is there a way to distribute a perl module in such a way that it is
> "use"able but is not rendered in plain text? by "use"able I 
> mean simply
> that you need only have a use Foo::Bar; to import it, not 
> something more
> complicated.  I've seen things for scripts, but does the same apply to
> modules(.pm)?
> Thanks,
> Chuck
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