I know IIS pretty well... permissions are always an item of discussion when
new apps or virtual directories get implemented.  And it is really quite
simple once you think about it.

When IIS is installed, an IUSER_XYZ, (XYZ is the server name) account is
created, this account is basically the Anonymous user.  This user has access
to all pages and directories, apps and files associated under the WebRoot.
If the Parent directory has IUSER access, then the Sub-Directories will
inherit these permissions unless you modified the Security Template, to
restrict permissions, just open the IIS MMC, Set the appropriate permissions
on the files or directories for whatever user you want to allow or restrict.

Sorry I do not know of any good IIS News groups, but I'm sure there out
there...  Check out www.experts-exchange.com, I like the set-up there.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Moulder, Glen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "perl-win32-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:07 PM
Subject: OT Q: Internet Information Server mailing list

> Hi all,
> Sorry for the OT post, but google didn't turn up anything.  I've got a
complex perl CGI app running that works very well on our intranet, *except*
that it only works correctly if the user logs in as an admin.  A normal user
can run the script in the browser but none of the .GIFs or .JPGs on the
pages are displayed.  Access to data files shown in tables on the pages
works exactly the same way as retrieving the images, so I'm stumped as to
why the images won't display.  Have spent the past few hours monkeying
around with IIS perms - at one point, couldn't access the app at all.  Have
now restored it to original functionality.  Asking the Q here because we
don't have access to newsgroups due to security restrictions, looking for a
good mail list (or some IIS pointers).  Any ideas?
> Glen
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