Wening Andreas wrote:
>Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 11:39 PM
>Why do you want to use Perl for this? 
>If you are already using Outlook, import the addresses in 
>Outlook and create group. Everything you have to do then 
>is only creating 1 email with the attachment to that group.
>I really like Perl but don't see the reason to use it in this case.

<SNIP code sample using MIME::Lite>

I can't say what the original poster's intent was, but here it is used to automate a 
process. Specifically an Oracle database is updated by a non-Perl process, then a Perl 
process runs and creates an Excel spreadsheet using parts of the updated data, the 
spreadsheet is then distributed to a list of users.  This all runs without human 
intervention at about 2am.
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