Thank you. It appears that the "slurp" omits the \x0d character.

Dir file size: 732
Perl length of $data: 704
Number of lines in the file: 28

Ok I thought that slurping was farely simple. 

print "Processing: $file";
if (open (INFILE, $file))
                local $/;
                $data = <INFILE>;
                close INFILE;
                print "\nlen=", length( $data ), "\n";
                # print "data='$data'\n";

                print "\nYES\n" if $data =~ /\x0D/s;

-----Original Message-----
From: Arms, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 2:15 PM
To: Bullock, Howard A.
Subject: RE: RegEx to remove \x0D\x0A

Did you add these two lines after reading in the file?

  print "len=", length( $data ), "\n";
  print "data='$data'\n";

Does the length equal the file size?
Do you see multiple lines?
Both of these would indicate that you indeed slurped the
whole file in correctly.
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