$Bill Luebkert wrote: 
  > Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  >> Hello,
  >>  |use warnings;
  >>  |use strict;
  >>  |
  >>  |# Question:  In the following, any suggestions for ensuring
  >>  |#            that $stuff will be "  Twice 3 is 6"?  
  >>  |#
  >>  |#            For example, if the here-document were re-written
  >>  |#            to be something like: 
  >>  |#                    Twice $foo is eval{2*$foo}
  >>  |#            how would one "escape" the eval so that it would
  >>  |#            indeed evaluate its contents?
  >>  |# 
  >>  |my $foo = 3;
  >>  |
  >>  |my $stuff = <<here_doc;
  >>  |  Twice $foo is 2*$foo
  >>  |here_doc
  >>  |
  >>  |__END__
  > Either evaluate it before the here doc and use a simple vrbl or
  > you could use this tricky syntax:
  > my $stuff = <<EOD;
  >   Twice $foo is @{[2 * $foo]}
  > EOD
  I have been evaluating the expressions before the here doc, 
  and felt there might be a better way of evaluating inside 
  the here doc itself.   

  But what does "use a simple vrbl" mean?  You mean a verbal
  Thanks for @{[]} -- it is better than evaluating outside the 
  here doc.  This is because the expressions I need to evaluate 
  are fairly complex and the variables involved come from hashes.
  Moreover, I would like to do assignments inside the here doc 
  that do not show up in $stuff at all, for example: 
    |my $foo = 3;
    |my %boo=();
    |my $stuff = <<EOD;
    |  @{[eval{$boo{hoo1}=5; "remove_me";}]}
    |  Twice $foo is @{[2 * $foo]} 
    |  Second line
    |  @{[eval{$boo{hoo2}=2; "remove_me";}]}
    |  Third line says that \$boo{hoo1} is $boo{hoo1}.
    |$stuff =~ s/\s*remove_me\s*$//gm;

  What is the name for the @{[]} thingie -- how can it be found
  in perldoc?  And is there a way to avoid the remove_me part?


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